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2000 Freihofer's Run for Women
USATF Open and Masters 5-K Championships)
Albany, NY; Saturday, June 3

Team Kinetic psyches up before the race

Rachel Sauder, left, talks to Laura Baker before the race

Over 3000 women line up for the start in sunny, but windy, conditions

Sylvia Mosqueda jumps immediately to the lead

Libbie Hickman catches Mosqueda early in the second mile

The chase pack of Jen Rhines, Blake Russell (front row) and Kate Fonshell and Laura Baker begin to close the gap on Mosqueda and Hickman

Mosqueda and Hickman continue to lead in the third mile, while Russell and Rhines have broken away from Baker and Fonshell

Hickman, Russell and Mosqueda begin their sprint with less than a half mile to go

Libbie Hickman is all smiles after winning her first U.S. 5-K title in 15:35

Top Results
 1. Libbie Hickman         35   Ft. Collins    CO    15:35
 2. Blake Russell          24   Greensboro     NC    15:43
 3. Sylvia Mosqueda        34   S. Pasadena    CA    15:44
 4. Jennifer Rhines        25   Haverford      PA    16:10
 5. Laura Baker            25   Dorchester     MA    16:00
 6. Kate Fonshell          30   Ardmore        PA    16:02
 7. Donna Garcia           32   Marietta       GA    16:08
 8. Rachel Sauder          26   Archibold      OH    16:10
 9. Shelly Stelly          37   Albuquerque    NM    16:19
10. Katie McGregor         23   Ann Arbor      MI    16:19
Unless otherwise noted, all contents on this website are compiled, edited and written by David Monti for Race Results Weekly.
All images and text copyright © David Monti and Race Results Weekly. All rights reserved.
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